The Finocchi family has always been a family of vine growers. The story begins in 1905, when Marino Finocchi started to cultivate vines in the land of Staffolo conducted under the sharecropping system, keeping in the cellar the wines made under their own responsibility. His son, Enrico, immediately became enamored with the activity and turned out to be one of the best plant breeders in the area, so much so that the Vatican State offered him an attractive job. Due to Enrico Finocchi untimely death in 1946, his two sons, Giuseppe and Franco, received at very young age, the heavy duty of carrying on the vine growing, with the valuable support of their mother Isolina and uncle Armando.

A key step was the purchase in 1966 of a land in the district Salmagina, still considered one of the most suitable areas for the production of Verdicchio. Subsequently, they planted new Verdicchio vineyards and at the end of the 70's, as part of the old farmhouse remodeling, the historic cellar was enlarged, marking the beginning of a new company course, more oriented towards a development of quantitative and qualitative wine production. Worthy of record is the purchase in 1999 of a small plot of land, "Filellu", a farm, which has always been cultivated as a sharecropping system first, then was rented and here the first red vineyards was planted.

The wealth of experience and knowledge of farming, the boundless passion Giuseppe and Franco have for meticulous care of the vineyards, have inevitably involved first Marco and then his younger brother, Maurizio, in the continuation of the family activity. They gave a major boost to the recent construction in the district Salmagina, which is a new winery with appropriate modern technologies, in order to ensure high quality standards and to maintain the tradition of our wine. With this important investment they have made a precise location choice, or rather a rationalized production, concentrating all production activities in a single complex, dismantling consequently all the other cellars and maintaining only the historic farm shop, adjacent to the restored farmhouse, just outside Staffolo town.


via Donatori del Sangue, 6
60039 - Staffolo (An) Italy

Tel. +39 0731 779573
Fax. +39 0731 779573
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